Sunday, June 28, 2009

Day 1

Yesterday was my first Weight Watchers meeting. It was very insightful, and I loaded up on materials and recipes. When I came home I cleaned out the fridge, and the pantry of things that I shouldn't be having. I made my menu and grocery list, and went to Publix. It was the longest I've ever been at the grocery store, but I did really well reading labels and searching for fresh food.

So today was day one and I survived. I honestly did not feel hungry at all today. I'm really proud of myself.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Today was a difficult day. It was also an eye opening day. It's no secret that I've had health problems in the past. Slowly they've been creeping up on me. I went to my quarterly visit with my doctor today and, well, it was bad. I mean, really bad. So bad that the doctor said I will die unless changes are made fast.

I am the unhealthiest I've ever been in my life. Even when I lived out west, I was healthy. I moved to the South, said hello to driving, and goodbye to walking. Life's had it's ups and downs, and stress has creeped up. It's so much easier to go out to eat, or order in, or to throw something in the microwave or oven. Hey I'm all about convenience. But now I pay the price. So I have a long list of things to work on. A long list of things I can't have. Things like red meat, chocolate, creamy dressings, ANYthing fried, anything WHITE. This includes bread, cereals, flour, sugar, potatoes, pasta, RICE!

I feel ashamed of what I've become. What kind of example am I setting for my children? I've cried and cried all day long trying to figure out how I became this way. It wasn't overnight. It isn't going to go away overnight either. But I am determined to do this. I have spent the evening reading, researching, praying, planning. I have to do this, and I will do this.

My name is Esmeralda, and I'm a junk food addict.